The Why
PHILOSOPHYIn an age of automated investing and poor customer service, Cairn stands committed to provide personal service, advice, and investment management.
At Cairn, we thoughtfully manage investment portfolios built to create long-term wealth. We believe that technology and the ease of obtaining information has obscured the benefits of investor patience and discipline. While investment returns are important, client satisfaction is paramount. INTEGRITY AND RESPONSIBILITYWe act within a strict fiduciary standard. We take this role seriously; a reason why we have many multi-generational families who trust their wealth to Cairn.
fiduciary ∣ fʌɪˈdjuːʃ(ɪ)əri ∣ noun from the Latin fiducia, meaning “trust,“ a person or business who has the power and obligation to act for another under circumstances which require total trust, good faith, and honesty. |